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teamwork skills

Discover your full potential

Acquire and develop your soft skills wherever and whenever you want

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Trabajo en equipoRegulacion emocional
a grey bubble

We provide you with everything you need to grow personally and professionally

Training designed for you to reach your best version

Companies like Google or Facebook stopped valuing exclusively technical skills for the selection of their employees a long time ago and began creating teams based on their soft skills. It's no longer about what you know, but about what you do with what you know. In an increasingly complex world, people who know how to collaborate effectively and lead themselves will thrive in this new reality. It's no coincidence that the World Economic Forum predicted in 2016 that Emotional Intelligence would be one of the top 10 skills in demand by 2020. The effects of COVID-19 will further increase the demand for soft skills.

In summary, soft skills - such as persuasion, emotional intelligence, or empathizing with others - will be much more in demand in the industry than technical abilities.

- World Economic Forum
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Emotional skill test

Why emotionhack_?

In the past, we have exclusively worked on a program to accelerate exceptional talents. Now we want to share everything we have learned and help you reach your full potential. Emotions modulate our behavior. Despite this, there is inadequate training provided in the emotional realm. Our goal is to cover that deficit and give you the necessary tools to reach your best version. emotionhack_ will help you grow holistically and prepare you for all personal and professional challenges through something inherent to human nature: emotions. Soft skills, like our brain, function by connecting one function to another. As you train more of them, your growth will be exponentially greater.

What skills will you acquire with emotionhack_?

Leadership for the new reality

Become a better leader and a better colleague. Understand how teamwork works and what is expected of you in each situation.


Charismatic communication

Communicate clearly and inspiringly. Adapt to your audience and convey your ideas naturally. Influence, motivate, and make a lasting impression.

Comunicación y diálogo

Self-esteem and self-efficacy

Know yourself better and increase your awareness of your strengths to understand when you perform at your best. Acquire the tools to optimize your personal and professional life.

emotionhack appPensamiento críticoAutoestima

Critical thinking and decision-making

Evaluate each situation properly. Take a step back and use critical thinking to achieve success.

How does emotionhack_ work?

Circulo morado


The e_hacks are the core of emotionhack and contain the basic content for you to increase your mastery of emotions. As you discover new e_hacks, you increase your knowledge and handling of the tools we provide.

Circulo de competencias

3 development areas

At emotionhack_, we aim to simplify the world of emotions for you. Each emotion is connected to a set of soft skills that we have grouped according to their relevance to the social, professional, and personal spheres. However, all of them are interrelated. As you complete the e_hacks, your progress will be reflected in each of these areas.

Grafico de habilidades

Your first steps

The first step as an emotionhacker is to determine your level of emotional skill. This test will provide us enough data to determine your overall relationship with the world of emotions and which e_hacks you should master first.

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Competencias personales

Personal skills

Related to individual self-awareness and growth. Working on them will allow you to reach the best version of yourself.

CoherenciaFlexibilidadHabilidad de OptimismoHabilidad de EquidadHabilidad de CuriosidadPersistencia y resiliencia
Habilidades sociales

Social skills

Allow you to interact with more confidence in your day-to-day life with the people in your environment.

Habilidad de AsertividadHabilidad de comunicaciónHabilidad de empatíaHabilidad de confianzaHabilidad de gratitudHabilidad de negociación
Competencias profesionales

Profesional skills

The ones that enable you to adapt to a changing professional environment.

Habilidad de motivaciónHabilidad de proactividadHabilidad de carismaHabilidad de crecimientoHabilidad de liderazgoHabilidad de responsabilidad

Angela Pascual

Performance & Talent Management Analyst
Nationale Nederlanden
"En Nationale-Nederlande una de nuestras prioridades en el área del Talento es diseñar, crear e implementar acciones que potencien el talento en la organización.Una de nuestras principales palancas de desarrollo está enfocada en nuestro Pool de Talento, formado por profesionales con un alto potencial, un sólido desempeño y una clara ambición por asumir nuevas responsabilidades.El Programa de Desarrollo del Talento StepUp, es una propuesta de valor que sin lugar a dudas les ha permitido potenciar las soft skills más relevantes, fomentando estilos de liderazgo, dotándoles de todas las herramientas necesarias para crecer tanto personal como profesionalmente.”

Adriana Brito

Sr. Financial Analyst
Amazon AWS
"En mi trabajo interactúo con múltiples equipos sobre los que no tengo una autoridad formal pero dependo de ellos para cumplir objetivos. Por ello,  desarrollar mis habilidades interpersonales ha sido clave para mi éxito profesional.  Por ejemplo, al mejorar mi escucha activa puedo identificar más rápidamente qué es lo verdaderamente importante para mi contraparte a la hora de planificar o asignar tareas. Como resultado, soy capaz de llegar a acuerdos más ventajosos, reforzar la confianza mutua y ser más eficiente.”

Martín Beitia

Disruptive & Innovation Lead & Product Owner
"Mi proceso de aprendizaje de soft skills me ha ayudado a ser muchísimo más consciente de mis fortalezas y debilidades, a aprender a interpretar mis emociones para poder identificar mejor lo que me pasaba en cada momento y tener herramientas para gestionarlo. Sin duda, creo que es una de las grandes asignaturas pendientes de nuestra sociedad pero que cada vez cobrarán más relevancia en el futuro, ya que necesitaremos liderazgos más humanos para navegar la incertidumbre.”

Julia Palacios

Scientific Project Manager
Industria farmacéutica
"La inteligencia emocional ha cambiado mi vida. Adquirir conocimientos y herramientas de gestión emocional me facilitó la transición de la investigación a la industria farmacéutica, además mejoró mi relación de pareja de una manera que antes no podía ni imaginar.”